18:30 • Grüner Salon  

On 8 April, ROMADAY celebrates the beginnings of the worldwide emancipation movement of Roma and Sinti: The day remembers the first World Roma Congress on 8 April 1971 and takes its ideas a step further. The day makes Roma and Sinti visible as people who are at the forefront of the fight against right-wing extremists, who have always been part of the resistance, who fought as partisans and who will not stand still and watch as Europe is taken over by right-wing extremists. The motto of this year's ROMADAY is therefore: We are here and we will stay here!

After a colourful and empowering ROMADAY parade through the centre of Berlin, all participants, allies and interested people are invited to a meet & greet in the Grüner Salon: We will refresh ourselves with soup and drinks and relax with a chat before celebrating ROMADAY with the concert of the year on the big stage of the Volksbühne with the Romanian brass band Mahala Raï Banda, the rapper Mal Élevé and his musical friends!  

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